Донецкой Народной Республики
Сентябрь 2024
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс
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   That decision was made on October 15 during a meeting of the Minister of Education and Science L.P. Polyakova with students.

   This meeting was on exchange of impressions about the All-Russian Festival of Science, held in Lomonosov Moscow State University. This grandiose in its scale event was attended by the delegation of the DPR headed by the Minister of Education and Science L.P. Polyakova and the First Deputy M.N. Kushakov. The delegation included representatives of leading higher education institutions.

   “It is already the 10th festival of science, its name is “Science 0 +”, its main goal is to attract a wide range of people of different ages to pursue science, – L.P. Polyakova said. – I think everybody was impressed by the ceremonial opening and lecture of the rector of MSU Victor Antonovich Sadovnichiy, as well as the speech of the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Lyudmila Ogorodova and a highly busy program of every day of the festival where there were lectures, exhibitions, master classes, and, of course, festive salute”.

   Larisa Polyakova focused attention on a combination of classic and a modernist style, on interesting forms of feed where each viewer, even a child, could be convinced of great force of science, become a witness of surprising processes. Meanwhile there were also really complicated lectures, for example, on microbiology.

   M.N. Kushakov reminded that one of the main criteria of rating of higher education institutions is progress in scientific activity. “The trip to the festival became a push to make us realize what we possess, how to develop it and what it is necessary to create”, – Mikhail Nikolaevich said.

   Students were also full of emotions. “We got enormous experience, – the representative of Gorlovka institute of foreign languages Evgeny Pivovarov noted. – When we were coming back from Moscow, we already had ideas about which things seen it is possible to realize in our republic”.

   “Organizers of the festival are ready to work with the widest audience and seek to show that science it is interesting. It is really interesting! And in the Donetsk People’s Republic the science is booming too, we have something to show”, – a student of Donetsk state university of management Alexey Bondar emphasized.

   All students, postgraduates, who were present at the meeting, expressed unanimous desire in every possible way to develop science, to share experience, to find new forms of work.

   And Evgeny Lapenko the executive director of Donetsk association of the student’s trade-union organizations told about participation of the group of students in the Summit of student’s leaders of CIS State Parties which had taken place in the Ryazan State University named for S. A. Yesenin. Evgeny addressed to the audience with a number of interesting offers, such as carrying out student’s week.

   During the meeting Larisa Petrovna boosted the idea of creation of Student’s board of the Ministry of Education and Science. Presentation is planned to be hold next week.

   And the productive conversation ended up in a tea party in the Minister Cabinet.

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