Донецкой Народной Республики
Октябрь 2024
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   This was stated by the Minister of  Education and Science of  the DPR Larisa Polyakova on December 10 during the big press conference in Donetsk News Agency on summing up for the year 2015. “Diplomas of DPR higher education institutions are recognized by the Russian Federation. We are carrying out work on cooperation with Russian higher education institutions. More than 2 thousand graduates have passed certification, defended their thesis, passed final examinations in Russian higher education institutions and received (though not yet all) diplomas of the Russian type. This process is going on, the requirements of our partners from the Russian Federation are being fulfilled in the time frames necessary for obtaining Russian diplomas. Process of issuing such documents is planned to be finished in the spring of 2016”, – L. Polyakova marked out.

   Larisa Polyakova also emphasized that nine DPR universities had signed 36 contracts with higher education institutions of the Russian Federation. In particular,  Donetsk state university of management is closely cooperating with Belgorod University.   

   Besides, shortly in the Donetsk People’s Republic in coordination with the partners from the Russian Federation, the Center of Unified State Examination will be open for persons interested to enter higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation. Thus, entrants won’t need to leave out of DPR limits as it used to be at the end of the last academic year. Larisa Polyakova specified that papers will be checked by the Russian side. Cooperation with Russian colleagues is getting stronger. “In the last three months there was the real breakthrough: we are actively participating in conferences, symposiums, assemblies which are held in the territory of the Russian Federation. We are invited to take part in development of plans, methodical materials, we are seen as equal partners and it pleases us”, – Larisa Petrovna noted.

   While answering a question of members of the media about the further destiny of the First Republican Children’s Recreation Center which functioned in Snejnoye in summer, the Minister of Education and Science of DPR Larisa Polyakova noted that the plans to create on its base a year-round recreation center are still in force, moreover, there has been active collaboration in this direction with the Ministry of Health.    

   “Now 38 children are living and studying there. We are cooperating with the Ministry of Health in order the children’s recreation center to work all the year round, the children to get various physiotherapeutic procedures, full health improvement. This is not a business of one day, but such work is being conducted”, – the Minister emphasized.  

   L. Polyakova also reminded that 300 children had rest this summer in the First Republican Children’s Recreation Center. Besides, 13 thousand children of the Republic visited the children’s centers of the Rostov region, Krasnodar Krai, the Crimea, and about 25 thousand visited school camps.

   “The Highest certifying Commission is actively working. 14 dissertation councils have been created, 11 theses have been already accepted to defense – a Phd one and ten Сandidate dissertations. All regulatory framework has been developed and approved. Certification of scientists and award of scientific degrees take place completely according to standards of the Russian Federation. On December 16 the first defense will take place”, – the Minister of Education and Science of DPR Larisa Polyakova reported. The Minister also emphasized that the agreement with partners in the Russian Federation has been reached upon printing editions which are considered as the Higher Attestation Commission editions. So, all scientific works of scientists of the DPR which were published in HAC magazines of Ukraine admit valid.

   The schedule of carrying out total final assessment has been established

   State total certification:

   30.05 – Russian (Ukrainian)   

   01.06 – Mathematics   

   03.06 – Chemistry   

   06.06 – World History   

   08.06 – Biology   

   10.06 – Literature (Russian, World)   

   13.06 – Foreign Language  

   Since June 14 an additional session will be organized.   

   14.06 – Russian (Ukrainian)   

   15.06 – Mathematics, Chemistry   

   16.06 – World History, Biology   

   Larisa Polyakova noted that the schedule of carrying out Unified State Examination is still being developed by the Russian Federation. But it is known that the first trial examination will take place in February, 2016.   

   Larisa Petrovna also emphasized that winners of the final stage of the Republican Olympic Games will be able to enter a higher educational institution out of the competition.   

   Note that the academic year in the Donetsk People’s Republic will come to the end on May 28.

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