Донецкой Народной Республики
Октябрь 2024
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс
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   On January 13, a concert “Christmas ringing” took place in Donetsk State Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after A.B. Solovyanenko. The action took place with assistance of the Head of the Donetsk People’s Republic Alexander Zakharchenko, organizers are the Ministry of Culture of the DPR, the Ministry of Education and Science of the DPR, Donetsk Republican Educational and Methodical Center of Culture and Art.   

   The brass band of pupils of Donetsk music school No. 1 named after Leontovich were playing in the foyer and where were exhibited works of pupils of Makeyevka art school on winter subject. Festive atmosphere was created by presenters Ekaterina Kashchayeva and Alexander Dokukin. The participants of the concert showed a diverse program with their bright talents. The audience gave each number a cordial welcome. Among them there were performances of domra players ensemble “Pentatonik” of Donetsk school of arts No. 7, of pupils of Donetsk specialized musical boarding school for exceptional children Sofia Schukina and Nikita Burzanitsa, of pupils of choreographic school of Donetsk, of trainees of  Donetsk Olympic reserve specialized school No. 3 for children and young people.   

   The young actor of model circus studio “Kurazh” of Starobeshevo Regional Culture and Leisure Center Vasily Balakai presented “Balancing on spools”, children from Donetsk republican children’s and youth sports school acted with livly composition “Kalinka”. A choreographic picture based on the favourite animated film “Just you wait!” was shown  folk studio of the modern dance “Springlet” of Makeevka children and youthful creativity Palace and the concert came to the end with vocal and choreographic composition ” The forest raised a Christmas tree ” performed by national show group “Akva” of Donetsk republican CYAC (DDUT). This really bright, festive program with magnificent scenery individually matched to each number was directed by Natalya Kashchayeva.   

   And at the end of the concert talented children were congratulated by the Head of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko. “I want to thank you that you could make such progress at your early age. We are proud of you! We are proud of those who teach you. A special thanks to your parents, your mentors. Dear children! We live in a proud, beautiful, free country called the Donetsk People’s Republic. You can see beautiful squares, theaters that are made by your mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers and great-grandfathers. I am sure that you will protect honor and glory of our country, construct roads, build bridges, write works of great talent “, – said Alexander Zakharchenko in addressing to the children.   

   All the participants of the concert received gifts from the Head of the Republic. And the children, in their turn, handed gifts to Alexander Vladimirovich and thanked for a fine trip to Moscow to see the Patriarchal fir-tree.

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