Донецкой Народной Республики
Февраль 2025
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс
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   Today, on May 19, at the M. Tugan-Baranovsky Donetsk national University of economy and trade a solemn delivery of the Russian diplomas has taken place. These are 135 diplomas of the Kuban state technological University.

   “Diplomas are gained by graduates of DonNUET of 2015 who this academic year were trained at the Kuban state technological University according to the program of the external studies, – Larisa Polyakova noted in communication with members of the media. – Practically all higher education institutions of the DPR are in contact with higher education institutions of the Russian Federation and not only. About 40 memorandums, contracts on cooperation have been signed so far. We develop this cooperation, and not only in education, but also in the field of science”.

   “Today we are having a very important and joyful event at our University, – the acting rector of the M. Tugan-Baranovsky DONNUET Svetlana Drozhzhina addressed herself to the students. – You have got deserved, earned by your work diplomas of the Kuban state technological University. It was accompanied by a lot of work of all University staff both organizational and advisory. We agreed on curricula, held additional sessions. We are glad that you have very well coped with preparation of qualification works in the Russian higher education institution. You have perfectly defended them, confirmed high brand of our native University. We have only received words of gratitude from the faculty of the Kuban University “.

   “Dear colleagues (and you are really our colleagues), obtaining the second diploma in the Russian higher education institution is not simple matter. We managed to realize it first of all thanks to an initiative and support of the Head of the Republic Alexander Vladimirovich Zakharchenko. Great big thank to him!” – Larisa Polyakova emphasized.

   The Minister of Education and Science personally handed diplomas. “I hope that having two diplomas you will build your careers in the Donetsk People’s Republic!” – Larisa Polyakova addressed herself to the students, and a burst of applause in reply sounded.

Press service of MON the DPR

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