Донецкой Народной Республики
Октябрь 2024
Пн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс
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   On Thursday, January 28, at the meeting of Board of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Donetsk People’s Republic the Minister of Education and Science of the DPR Larisa Polyakova made a report on the work done by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2015.

   The deputy minister of Science and Education Irina Simonova went into conceptual questions of the education and science system development in 2016.

   The report on the subject “Technical providing and equipment with appliances of educational institutions and creation of conditions for carrying out educational process” was made by the deputy minister of Science and Education of the DPR Vladimir Medvedev.

   In her report Larisa Polyakova emphasized the main directions which MES of the DPR worked for the reporting period on. Main objectives and problems of activity of the Ministry of Education and Science were presented: quality ensuring education according to the changing inquiries of the population and perspective problems of society and economy development, increase of efficiency of realization of youth policy, formation of the competitive and effectively functioning sector of researches and development, providing its leading role in processes of technological modernization of economy.

Development of the education system of the DPR

   For the reporting period 1323 permissions for implementation of educational activity were given out to the educational organizations; the analysis of license volume of specialties of vocational secondary and higher education was also made. According to these specialties training of skilled workers and experts is being carried out in the Donetsk People’s Republic.

   It can also be noted that for today 87 experts have been trained for implementation of license and accreditation examination in general education programs and programs of secondary professional education.

   During the speech topical issues of preschool education system, general secondary education, vocational education, additional education development as well as vocational secondary and higher education system development were considered.

   Also Larisa Petrovna told about State Final Certification of the graduates finishing the program of the secondary general education. SFC includes one obligatory examination in Russian / Ukrainian and examinations at trainee’s option. The maximum number of examinations on the choice of the trainee can’t exceed 3 subjects, the minimum quantity is 2 subjects from the list of general education subjects.

HPE republican model

   Taking up issues of higher education system development, L. Polyakova listed the new educational organizations of higher professional education opened in 2015: Donbass legal academy, Donetsk Academy of Internal Affairs, Donetsk Higher All-Troops Command College of Armed Forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic, Donetsk State Institute of Municipal Economy and also new specialties to which admission was carried out in 2015: techno sphere safety, theater, fire safety, social work, mechanics and mathematical modeling, ballistics and hydro aeromechanics; information security.

   As Larisa Polyakova emphasized, vocational higher education of the Donetsk People’s Republic is focused on the Russian Federation education system, meanwhile it has its own tasks and features: ” Practically for all years of existence of independent Ukraine the educational policy was based on introduction of Ukrainian nationalism ideas which first of all were implanted in disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle. Besides, blind copying of the western educational models was observed at the minimum civil humanistic component. That circumstance that the university graduate is the carrier of the highest achievements of modern science and culture which need to be used for the benefit of society and their Homeland was leveled as a result of educational policy of Bologna Process”.

   Larisa Polyakova noted that there has been a direct link between educational process and behavior of youth and representatives of the intellectuals in time and after the revolution in Kiev organized by nationalist oligarchical forces and then when the people of Donbass rose to protect human dignity: the part of youth joined alien banners and many representatives of scientific and technical intellectuals simply ran away.

   “These events have to serve us as a lesson. The DPR government will pay the most close attention to civil patriotically education and formation of  studying youth, consequently to teaching disciplines of the social and humanitarian cycle which contribute formation of the corresponding world outlook, personal integrity “, – the minister emphasized. Thus, higher education will not only provide professional knowledge, but also impart uniform system of moral and cultural values, promote respect for history, sense of civic duty.

Results of work in education sphere

   Representing results of work in education sphere the Minister of Education and Science emphasized that the concept of patriotic education of children and the studying youth defined system of the general psychology and pedagogical requirements; conformity with them will provide an effective solution of the major nation-wide problems of patriotic education of youth:

   – education of the citizen and patriot in the continuous interaction and cooperation with trainees’ families and with  support on tradition of the Donetsk region;

   – development of abilities and talents of children and youth in continuous interaction and cooperation with other subjects of socialization.

   Also the minister summed up HAC (VAK) at the MES of the DPR and Council for science work results.

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